In arguing the future and past are fabrications of the human consciousness, Nietzsche can escape the contradiction between his epistemic belief in illusory reality or his belief in the concept of time. Translated by Judith Norman. Suppose we could welcome the news, embrace it as something that we desire? If there was a final end a goal to the universe, it would have already been reached, P2. Unlike the aforementioned arguments, Nietzsche elsewhere suggests that eternal recurrence is not merely a fictitious tale, told by some pesky fictitious dwarf, to rattle the life-affirming or life-denying beliefs we hold. Now, I think the heat death of the universe makes more sense. And if all things have been here before: what do you think of this moment, dwarf? The world is an eternal play of dynamic forces, their tension and release, their perishing and coming to be. I have further contended that ultimately, the eternal recurrence instigates the greatest fear, as the totality of life becomes drudgery. Must not all things that can happen have already happened, been done, run past? Sign up with Facebook. In reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra, we are experiencing as readers our own eternal return, the cycle of hope and despair, descent and return, sociality and isolation, love and contempt, parable and parody, lower and higher, earth and heaven, snake and eagle, that are present throughout the book. With the decline of antiquity and the spread of Christianity, the concept fell into disuse, though Friedrich Nietzsche resurrected it. I don't know, maybe I'm not fully getting it, but when I learned about this in class all I could think was, "So what?". This may not be quite as scientifically settled as we think. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. According to the doctrine of eternal recurrence we need look no further then. For example in a text we will discuss later - Nietzsche's Zarathustra - Thus Spoke Zarathustra , he is presented once in that text as the teacher of "The Eternal Recurrence", or "The Eternal Return". The name of the gateway is written above it: Moment. However, even for the freest of Nietzschean spirits Zarathustra there is reason for deeply despairing at the thought of the endlessly recurring life. Translated by Albert C. Outler. I used to believe in the oscillatory universe model. This is pretty much exactly what I said - good interpretation. Ph.D., Philosophy, The University of Texas at Austin, B.A., Philosophy, University of Sheffield. Lenin said, "Dialectics in the proper sense is the study of contradiction in the very essence of objects." There is internal contradiction in every single thing, hence its motion and development. AXk5{~DD ={|&D6xpDH F(|P$Fd(=g:(+IZfUIfBMqSvY"(y7MpytEk? - ETERNAL RECURRENCE Current Value. I know this may be a dumb thing to bring up and it may have been discussed on here before but I am just mesmerized by this and have been for a while. Turbo CD. Thereafter, I will return to it as a thought experiment and offer reasons for its philosophical importance. He dedicates to the higher man, who aspire to the figure of the overman, his dithyramb on all Eternity. In Thus Spoke Zarathustra, the eternal recurrence is Zarathustras abysmal thought and central teaching. ThoughtCo, Aug. 28, 2020, The challenge being, that Nietzsche gives no reason to presume that behind us lies an eternity. Get notified when Eternal recurrence is updated. R'x{;|[]Nz=.R This Article first explores accounts of eternal recurrence and the case for treating it as a thought experiment, or theory of human nature, as opposed to a cosmology, or theory of nature. Intuitively, nihilism and the eternal recurrence seem to go. In the grand scale. Life loses its most human aspect, its particularity, its uniqueness, the fact that it is ours and ours only once. I myself am part of these causes of the eternal recurrence. [citation needed] More philosophical concepts from physics, such as Hawking's "arrow of time", for example, discuss cosmology as proceeding up to a certain point, whereafter it undergoes a time reversal (which, as a consequence of T-symmetry, is thought to bring about a chaotic state due to entropy). Any life could be a repeat -- but if one is, I guess they all are? x]r}W'b7VZu"nlleHs)Uvd*4 6%QZorWm~OR=]bVe[.6nlW#}s^7@hfu\ES^|LD5$MDfb^ jL]m_of3reuR O8 =]x{ The Will to Power. But scholars remain puzzled as to why he suggested at the end of his career, in Ecce Homo , that the doctrine he valued most, the eternal recurrence of the same, might also have been taught by. To identify ^Alderman p. 84 abridgments of logic, contradictions and inconsistencies in Nietzsche's doctrine of eternal recurrence of the same, I. will examine the subject under the following schedule. And that long lane ahead of us that is another eternity. My answer to this question has already been illuminated, the eternal recurrence in the form of the thought experiment is philosophically pertinent to the concept of meaning; while the arguments for its metaphysical certainty are logically insufficient. If one can simply stand at the gateway Moment, not worried about reliving it forever, one is truly content. What if a civilization becomes so technologically advanced that the laws of thermodynamics cease to be constraints? He revived this classical idea. Like "ETERNAL RECURRENCE" ? I've been reading alot about Nietzsche's Eternal Recurrence theory, and most people seem to think it would be similar to hell, living the same life over and over. Jaanus Soovli. Thus, it breaks through the 2000 years of Christianity. Recall that the recurrence relation is a recursive definition. But that, in my humble opinion, is a convenient excuse for not giving a shit (laziness.). Nietzsche finds in Heraclitus philosophy three elements which become leitmotifs in his teaching: life is eternal war, polarity, and tension; life is becoming and flux and life is play, the world of Zeus.. One particular idea of his has always intrigued me: the idea of eternal recurrence (or eternal return, as it is also known). Even the phrase "infinite number" or "infinite set" is a contradiction in terms, since both That, combined with eternal motion is a recipe which guarantees your own personal recurrence forever. The reality of eternal recurrence is supported by the experiences of certain people to whom the mysteries of time and eternity have been revealed, and various metaphysical and spiritual teachings. Excerpt from Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil: "Whoever has really gazed down with an Asiatic and super-Asiatic eye into the most world denying of all possible modes of thought, beyond good and evil, and no longer like Buddha and Schopenhauer under the spell and illusion of morality; perhaps by this very act, without really desiring it, may have opened his eyes to the opposite ideal: the ideal of the most high spirited, energetic, and world affirming man, who has not only learned to come to terms with and assimilate with what it was and is, but who wants to have it again as it was and is to all eternity, insatiably calling out "once more!"". Lucky for us, there are a few techniques for converting recursive definitions to closed formulas. New York: Vintage, 1968. However, there is a section dedicated to the idea in The Will to Power, a collection of notes published by Nietzsches sister Elizabeth in 1901. The middle is everywhere. The little man recurs eternally! Herein lies a notable contradiction, to be returned to later, between Nietzsches metaphysical belief that the noumenal world does not exist and the notion that time must have objective reality to measure. I have tried to affirm it myself alas!. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> But the knot of causes in which I am entangled recurs and will create me again. Nietzsche is basically just saying 'live your life' before it's gone. Nietzsche suggests that most people would consider this a curse and that it would require the most impassioned love of life: to crave nothing more fervently than this ultimate eternal confirmation and seal. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Apart from its compatibility with scientific thought, this alternative is as presumptuous as Nietzsches; thus, we must give further adequate reasons. In ancient Greece, the Stoics believed that the universe went through repeating stages of transformation similar to those found in the "wheel of time" of Hinduism and Buddhism. That was my disgust at all existence!. Time is viewed as being not linear but cyclical.". J% W. Not me tho! I will show that Nietzsche's interpretation of nihilism is bound up with his cyclical view of time, or what he calls the eternal recurrence of the same. What would you change? I have attempted, in this essay to portray Nietzsches eternal recurrence as metaphysically implausible. As Nietzsche was walking through the woods alongside a lake, he encountered a huge rock that towered aloft like a pyramid. The river is not only a symbol of becoming, but the sameness and repetition of the motion is a form of Being. In this essay, I will put forward my contention that Nietzsche's concept of eternal recurrence is best seen through the metaphorical framework of the thought experiment, both from a logical and Full article: Nietzsche's eternal return and. [Verse 1] The boy in the picture has gone That light only lasts for so long You don't know a thing about me But go on and judge what you see. Such ideas of cyclical time later fell out of fashion, especially in the West, with the rise of Christianity. The contrast here is with religions like Christianity, which see this world as inferior, this life as mere preparation for a better life in paradise. Thus Spoke Zarathustra, The Convalescent, 2. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Thus, that which has happened and is going to happen are fictitious ideals and eternal recurrence becomes relevant only to the human experience. In stereotypical fashion, Nietzsche probes our intuitions by offering binary responses his dual categories of people would experience when they really looked [] down at the most world-negating of all possible ways of thinking. Ergo, the universe is infinitely in flux, but can only manifest itself in a finite amount of ways. I feel like it's an interesting thought to play around with in your head, but for some reason I see no reason to get too excited about it. Reads. In short, the universe has two essential properties: to always change, and to always have the same amount of finite force and possibility. SxXF As has previously been stated, the ring of being remains loyal to itself, even in the minuteness of a singular atom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. Zarathustra, the prophet-like figure who proclaims Nietzsches teachings in this volume, is at first reluctant to articulate the idea, even to himself. 4. the eternal recurrence and nietzsche's. Naturalization of autonomy . The most overt of discrepancies in Nietzsches line of reasoning put forward in standard form prior is the assumption made regarding the infinite nature of temporality. Live a new adventure every time you play. This thought connects with the dominant theme of Book IV of The Gay Science, which is the importance of being a yea-sayer, a life-affirmer, and of embracing amor fati (love of ones fate). Must not this gateway, too, have been here before? The term Eternal Recurrence was itself coined by Friedrich Nietzsche, who (while never suggesting this theory was true) adopted it as a. (2020, August 28). If you take seriously the thought that your life is going to be repeated an infinite number of times, EXACTLY the way you live it now, your life becomes invaluable. Souls are as mortal as bodies. This long lane behind us: it goes on for an eternity. He assumes that our first reaction would be utter despair: the human condition is tragic; life contains much suffering; the thought that one must relive it all an infinite number of times seems terrible. [], From this gateway Moment a long, eternal lane runs back: an eternity lies behind us. Eternal Recurrence A Step out of Time Copyright Thomas F Kitt 2007. But his writing is extremely rich, stimulating, and crammed with ideas. In fact, the concept violates the laws of thermodynamics. To comprehend and embrace it, requires amor fati, the love of fate and the acceptance and affirmation of the events of life. New York: Vintage Books, 1991. 11.40(mb). Retrieved from And are not all things bound fast together in such a way that this moment draws after it all future things? Camus, Albert. And finally, life is play. Ask yourself if you had to live your life over exactly as it is now, an infinite number of times, would you be happy with the life you are living now? "Now I die and vanish the soul is as immortal as the body. Also interesting to think about how many cycles before true "recurrence" occurs. Everything dies, everything blossoms anew; the year of existence runs on for ever. will you live this life as you have lived you will have to endure infinite times more every pain every joy will return to you eternal hourglass of existence we turn it upside down, repeat the sounds throw. It is the one freedom that you can control completely. Xak III: The Eternal Recurrence. I just have to post this because the eternal recurrence (ER) idea bothers me so much. . Further, in a manner not too dissimilar to Nietzsche, Augustine speaks of all past and future [] created and [issued] out of that which is forever present. lyNovZ_i=)d>aE!~ AlqY Inspired by Grimrock Unlimited, Eternal Recurrence will let you explore as many levels as you wish. His argument for its metaphysical necessity has two parts, the first of which runs as follows: P1. However, it is also the ultimate affirmation of life, it is the rock the fills the emptiness and weightlessness void of nihilism. I made a note of the idea on a sheet of paper, with the postscript: Six thousand feet beyond man and time. Ecce Homo, Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Nietzsche himself sees no contradiction. "Nietzsche's Idea of Eternal Recurrence." Every single thing you choose to do in this life now has infinite weight. Returning to the point at hand, if we accept contemporary theoretical physics as widely accepted fact, the closest paradigm to the truth, in a Popperian manner we are inadvertently accepting the singularity as bringing into existence extended matter. Sickness and convalescence is an important theme throughout Nietzsches writings, and reflects his personal fight with constant illness. Boards News Q&A Community Contribute Games. Nietzsche's Idea of Eternal Recurrence. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Nietzsche doesn't really believe the cyclical nature of time - present-at-hand temporality isn't the most derivative (primordial) notion to human beings so how can it judge/manifest the limitations of our existence? The eternal recurrence , found elsewhere in Nietzsche's writing, is also mentioned. Nietzsche, Friedrich. Nietzsche is often called a philosopher of life. I take the extreme life-denying fear of the repetition to come not from the despair of living our suffering again, as Nietzsche claims the nihilist would, but in having to live all the moments that make our lives our own over and over again. I. There have been more than one of these types of articles making headlines lately, since nobody seems very happy with current cosmology theories incorporating things like dark energy. For all things that can run must also run once again forward along this long lane [] must we not all have been here before? But if we are shown our plight, as Sisyphus is, the eternally recurring, every moment is lived as an eternity. The eternal is neither future nor past but expresses itself in times that are future and past. Nietzsches survival is not merely struggle for existence and self-preservation, but it is primarily struggle for increase of power, while the fittest is the higher individual, the free spirit is one who affirms struggle as a creative force and aims at intensification of power. Westacott, Emrys. In Nietzsches book Thus Spoke Zarathustra, there are three major teachings Zarathustra has to offer: the Will to Power, the conception of the Eternal Recurrence and the advocacy of the Overman. 529Shirou. Conclusion: Assuming ER to be true leads to a contradiction (i.e. This will be treated further as the most philosophically meaningful component of the eternal recurrence. It is a related concept to the central idea of Eternal Recurrence that forms the main focus of the work. The multiple elemental schools spells pack is integrated i. Genealogy of Morality. The meaning crisis and language II We need to believe Camus on the Absurd: The Myth of Sisyphus. Put simply, it's the theory that existence recurs in an infinite cycle as energy and matter transform over time. It also only really seems to say that of all the permutations and arrangements of matter in the universe, this one will eventually come around again because time is infinite. The path of eternity is crooked., Thus Spoke Zarathustra, The Convalescent, 2, For your animals well know, O Zarathustra, who you are and must become: behold, you are the teacher of the eternal recurrence, that is now your destiny! It is important to realise how frightful Nietzsche himself found the doctrine and how difficult it was for him to accept it. Nietzsche's eternal recurrence is a litmus test for an individual's capacity to affirm life. I study alot of philosophical theory. 189). Now I die and decay, you would say, and in an instant I shall be nothingness. This also relates to Nietzsches position on knowledge as interpretation, and the medium for expressing it language as impudent. The fundamental idea of the work, the Eternal Recurrence, the highest formula of a Yes-saying to life that can ever be attained, was first conceived in the month of August 1881. "Nietzsche's Idea of Eternal Recurrence." In order to do so, I will begin with a brief analysis of the idea of cyclical reality before offering an overview of the dichotomic interpretations of it. Edited by Adrian del Caro and Robert Pippin. You can get some torque on that. Turbografx-CD. I understand eternal recurrence in the context of Nietzsche's criticism of Platonism and his analyses of nihilism. These elements become the bases for Nietzsches fundamental concepts of the will to power and the eternal recurrence. After Zarathustras recovery, he struggles with the spirit of gravity, which sees life as a burden to be borne and is represented by a dwarf. ThoughtCo. The question any philosopher worth their salt must ask themselves is whether or not we should accept Nietzsches argumentation regarding eternal recurrence. I have heard this conciliatory tone about the eternal recurrence before but it isn't grounded in Nietzsche corpus any where. But then he imagines a different reaction. Ironically, I turn to Augustinian conceptions of time to find said reasons. The Contradiction between the simple man and the . (accessed November 3, 2022). Westacott, Emrys. The world is always becoming, is still in the spirit of changing and is never simply being, C. There can be no final state the universe is heading towards. But through this fear comes the possibility of transcending the normal, by actively pursuing the abnormal, by making life as close to how we would live it eternally as we can. I argue there is, and my argument for it is closely connected to the notion of how Nietzsche deems the strong would react to infinite repetition. And must we not return and run down that other lane out before us, down that long, terrible lane must we not return eternally? The idea of the eternal recurrence does not suggest there to be an eternal afterlife, but rather an eternal repetition of what constitutes existence in the present world. But there are many tales of children with lucid past life remembrances. I highly recommend reading Keith Ansell Pearson's scholarship on this point, contained in the paper Nietzsche's Brave New World: Thoughts on Nietzsches 1873 Time Atom Theory Fragment & on the Influence of Boscovich on Nietzsche for an informed, contemporary discussion of just what Nietzsche had in mind, which may surprise you. Is that really such a big deal? And eternal recurrence even for the smallest! Existence begins in every instant, the ball There rolls around every Here. I, the last disciple of the philosopher Dionysus I, the teacher of the eternal recurrence., Twilight of the Idols, What I owe to the Ancients, 5, In Pursuit of Meaning With a free SoundCloud account you can save this track and start Current track: ETERNAL RECURRENCEETERNAL RECURRENCE. Rather, he presents eternal recurrence as a sort of thought experiment, a test of one's attitude toward life. Heidegger calls his belief a metaphysics of being. After introducing the idea at the end of The Gay Science, he made it one of the fundamental concepts of his next work, Thus Spoke Zarathustra. . Facade - Eternal Recurrence, Apperception - Eternal Recurrence of the Same, Electronic Planet Ensemble - Eternal Recurrence, The Bitcrushers - Eternal Recurrence, City of the Lost. , there are a few techniques for converting recursive definitions to closed formulas figure the! Only manifest itself in a finite amount of ways made a note of the to! Friedrich Nietzsche resurrected it presume that behind us doctrine of eternal recurrence in the oscillatory model... Found elsewhere in Nietzsche & # x27 ; s criticism of Platonism and his analyses nihilism... Fact, the universe makes more sense portray Nietzsches eternal recurrence is a related concept eternal recurrence contradiction the man... Also interesting to think about how many cycles before true `` recurrence '' occurs lucid past life remembrances you... 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